About me

About me


Name: Franziska F.
City: Nykøbing Falster, Denmark
Hometown: Kiel, Germany
Job: Study Bachelor of Leisure Management (Event-/Sport-/Hotel-/Tourism- Management and Marketing)

Hobbies: pictures, writing, styling, organisation, events, travel, fashion and zumba
Sports: zumba, dancing

Famous Persons who give me inspiration: Catherine Mountbatten-Windsor, Blake Lively, Miranda Kerr, Andrej Pejic, Crownprincess Mary from Denmark. 

Another big inspriation for me are my friends and all the different and travel around the  world in countries  like argentina, united-states, great britain and many more. 

I love it to write about fashion, styling and my whole live.

In my freetime I work as a model (start with this with 8 years) and be a participant at Miss Competitions in Germany.  I am "Miss Rostock 2013" and "3 Miss Kiel 2013".
bout my model activitys you can find my sedcard and pictures here: https://www.model-kartei.de/sedcards/model/377405/thfranzi/ 
and here: http://www.fotocommunity.de/model-sedcard/1939296/thfranzi.html

Some know me from the KielerTokioHotelFanclub (TV and Newspaper article), but this is not really part of this blog.
When you want to know about that visit the official page from KielerTHFC.
Here are my studys, my new live in denmark, my travels, fashion and all that part of this blog.

You are interested in Cooperations? Then write me: franzi-f@gmx.net / thfranzi93@gmail.com You also can get a Mediakit via Mail.  

Best regards

MGC Titel: Miss Rostock 2013

Contact me:
E-MAIL: franzi-f@gmx.net
FACEBOOK :https://www.facebook.com/pages/THFranzi/554424731258491
TWITTER: www.twitter.com/thfranzi
INSTAGRAM: www.instagram.com/thfranzi

TRUMPLR: http://thfranzi.tumblr.com/
STREETSTYLE BLOG: http://thfranzi-streetstyle.tumblr.com

1 Kommentar:

  1. Hey Franzi,
    ich bin durch Zufall auf deinen Blog gestoßen und muss sagen, dass ich richtig begeistert von deinen Aufnahmen bin. Hab mir alle Bilder von dir auf Facebook angeguckt und muss sagen, dass du verdient Miss Kiel 2014 geworden bist :)! Ich komm auch aus Kiel, vllt seh ich dich ja mal, das wäre richtig cool. Ich freue mich, wenn ich in Zukunft noch mehr tolle Bilder von dir sehen kann und wünsche dir viel Erfolg für deine Karriere! Bleib so wie du bist :), dein Fan!


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I am really happy when you give me feedback and write comments, come and share your opinion with me.